Our Story
Nick Goodwin Self and Cindy Lou Johnson founded their renewable energy company in 2008 in response to health issues that stemmed from the poor air quality in Los Angeles where they were living.
Determined to solve the fossil fuel problem behind the health issues, they moved to Northern California and began working with large agribusinesses and wineries to help them transition to clean energy.

Nick Goodwin Self, CEO of Participant Energy, has developed and overseen solarization and waste-to-energy projects on many of NORCAL’s largest agribusinesses. In Central America he developed over 30 MW of solar PPAs with Fair Trade Coffee and Sugar Cane Cooperatives and recently completed an 18 MW solar project in Honduras. He is currently part of the consortium developing a 2.4 GW Pump Storage project to satisfy the Demand power for manufacturing and textile facilities in the Free Trade Zones of San Pedro Sula.
Participant Energy is based in Berkeley, CA
CA Lic# 1014673
(510) 646-1202